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Valis was once the capital of the vast, continent spanning empire that was at war with Synthatek. Today, however, it's little more than a city seen as historically important and neutral ground by all the various nations of Distant Oceans. Geographically, it resides in the middle of a roughly circular mountain range known today as the Wild Mountains, where the main pass through is via the now booming Distant Oceans Village. While far more people have heard of Valis than Distant Oceans Village, the reality is that the 'village' today has almost as large a population as the ancient capital itself.

Today the main reasons to go to the actual city of Valis are tourism, archaeology, diplomatic reasons, and, the most likely, if one has business with the Council of Mages. This is an international organization that most 'respectable' spell users pay homage to if not are outright members, even if low level. In day to day life it acts primarily as a guild, though rumors have it that it still is a power behind the scenes in many nations.

City of Valis(#1567R)

The former capital of a continent spanning empire, Valis is long past its prime. Everywhere you look, ruins are constantly in view to remind you of this fact. Ancient buildings still crumble, old arenas gather dust, and vines grow unchecked over much of the city. Still, along the old main thoroughfares, the city still lives. Here the buildings are either still maintained or have been replaced with new construction. The old Grand Forum still houses a thriving, but much smaller, marketplace among its columns. And in the center of the city still stands the ancient Tower of the Magi.

[Exits : (C)olosseum(#1866E), (T)ower of the Magi(#1571E), and (F)armlands(#1569E) ]

Valis Colosseum(#1865R)

There was a time when this building was the most popular place in the city. The region. Quite possibly the entire continent. A time when there would be a crowd of well over a hundred thousand up in the stands, roaring down at the spectacle below.

That time has passed.

Instead, nearly three quarters of those stands have collapsed, and half that remain are unsafe for anyone to ever relax on. On the other hand, that eighth of the stands that remains more or less safe is at least fairly close to the action... because action there still can be here. Even today there are spectacles of all sort that are put on here, from sporting events to plays to even the occasional concert. But mostly this is still used to the spectacle of the fight. Once a week there still is an event on a regular basis, be it a tournament of fighters, a planned staged hunting of wild beasts, and even a full on mock battle every now and then. But when there's nothing planned, the floor is open to any who may hold a grudge against each other and wish for their duel to be witnessed by any who would watch.

[Exits : (O)ut(#1867E) ]

Tower of the Magi(#1570R)

The Tower of the Magi, once merely the center of magical study in the old empire, now is the center focus of the entire city of Valis. Home to the Council of Mages, this is where the kingdoms of Distant Oceans come to settle disputes, form alliances, and make their declarations for all to know. Even here, the most important and well used building in all of Valis, it's clear that the tower is well past its glory days. While for the most part the walls have had their magical reinforcements renewed countless times, while the entire building is well lit with thousands of floating crystals, while every creature comfort imaginable is available here to those in power, it's always painfully obvious that what is now arguably the most important building in all of Distant Oceans is only a third of the height it once was. The building was never meant to be open to the sky in its center, but none have ever had the heart to repair that ceiling, nor rebuild the upper levels after the Arcane Nexus destroyed itself. The central chamber's openness to the sky remains as a memorial to that horrible day.

[Exits : (O)ut(#1572E) ]

Valis Farmlands(#1326R)

The lands around the old capital are filled largely with farmlands. Even here, though, it's clear that these lands are well past their prime. While along the road between Distant Oceans Village and the Capital the farms are well maintained and quite productive, going too far off that main road reveals too many field gone fallow, orchards long overgrown, and broken, barely discernable farmhouses.

[Exits : (T)he Wild Mountains, (C)ity(#1568E), and (V)illage(#1339E) ]

The Wild Mountains

The mountains in Distant Oceans are vast and dangerous. Patches of forests, deep valleys, and maze like caves with caverns are just a few of the attractions. Kobolds, Orcs, Trolls, Giants and Dragons live among the mountains that overlook the ruined landscape of Valis. Multiple paths and broken bridges stretch through the landscape, allowing passage for the brave, foolish, or those seeking hoarded treasure. Getting high enough allows you a view of most of the continent, the ocean, and the Raging.

[Exits : (F)armlands ]